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Ronald P.

Professor, Chair of Department of Social Work This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
University Hall 3156
(205) 975-8478

Research and Teaching Interests: Social determinants of health; youth, community, and other forms of interpersonal violence; race and racial disparities; diversity and anti-oppressive practices, research methods and evaluation research; classroom pedagogy

Office Hours: By appointment


  • BA, Lee University, Tennessee, Psychology
  • MA, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Experimental Psychology
  • MSW, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Interpersonal Practice
  • PhD, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Social Work and Psychology

Ronald Pitner’s research broadly focuses on social cognition, stereotypes, prejudice, stigma, interpersonal forms of violence, youth and community-based civic engagement, and classroom pedagogy. His primary area of research examines residents’ understanding of neighborhood violence and safety, as well as how neighborhood civic engagement can be used to help make such neighborhoods safer for residents who live there. His secondary area of research is focused on diversity, social justice, and anti-oppressive social work practices in social work training and pedagogy.

Dr. Pitner has taught courses at both the undergraduate and graduate levels, including courses on research methods, evaluation research in social work, diversity and social justice, human behavior in the social environment, conceptual modeling, and global social welfare and human rights.

Currently, Dr. Pitner serves on the Board of Trustees for Sisters of Charity Foundation of South Carolina.

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  • Recent Courses
    • Exploring Diversity and Social Justice in Social Work Practice

  • Select Publications
    • Ma, K., Pitner, R., Sakamoto, I., & Park, H. Y. (In press). Chinese and Indian international students: Vital components for campus life coping and adjustment. College Student Journal.
    • Anderson, J.D., & Pitner, R. (2021). They are coming home: The effect of trauma-related cognitions on vocational readiness of incarcerated women. Journal of Interpersonal Violence, 36 (13-14), 6227-6246. DOI: 10.1177/0886260518817776.
    • Anderson, J.D., Pitner, R., & Wooten, N.R. (2020). A gender-specific model of trauma and victimization in incarcerated women. Journal of Human Behavior in the Social Environment, 30(2), 191-212. DOI: 10.1080/10911359.2019.1673272.
    • Ma, K., Pitner, R., Sakamoto, I., & Park, H.Y. (2020). Challenges in acculturation among international students from Asian collectivist cultures. Higher Education Studies, 10 (3), 34-43. DOI:10.5539/hes.v10n3p34.
  • Academic Distinctions and Professional Societies
    • American Psychological Association
    • Council on Social Work Education
    • National Association of Social Workers
    • Society for Community Research and Action
    • Society for the Psychological Study of Social Issues
    • Society for Social Work and Research