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Dr. Yabing Chen, Professor, Molecular & Cellular Pathology and Vice Chair, Faculty Development and Education, was honored recently as a 2019 Outstanding Faculty Senate Committee Member. Chen celebrated with other School of Medicine award recipients at a reception attended by Dean Selwyn Vickers, M.D. and hosted by President Ray Watts, M.D. at the UAB Woodward House, on August 28, 2019. 

Yabing and WattsDr. Ray Watts with Dr. Yabing Chen

Yabing Jamey and VickersDr. Chen with outgoing Faculty Senate Chair Dr. Jamey Worrell and Dean Selwyn Vickers, M.D., School of MedicineYabing Faculty Senate Award 2019

Each year, the faculty senate recognizes a few of its 70-80 members for their outstanding service on one of the six standing committees. The number of awards varies, with about 5 outstanding committee member awards handed out this year. The event honors current and incoming members of the UAB Faculty Senate and UAB Faculty Policies and Procedures Committee.